Carpal Tunnel Treatment

Health is the general condition with the all aspects for people. Nowadays, the time is the first enemy for anybody. We are stressed and we spend too much time with different things than, with us. And we forgot that prevention is the best action that we can do for us, in our world. Even if we are proud having now alternatives in medicine with pills and technical machines, it seems to be not enough these progress in health area. People become to spend many hours at office working using their hands and asking at the end of day what is happening with their wrist and arm. They have pain, tingling and numbness.

These symptoms are called the carpal tunnelsyndrome (CTS) is more frequent for women, than for men; and the symptoms start gradually with chronic wrist pain, burning, itching numbness or tingling. Also, the fingers are affected in special the index and middle fingers.

The carp word comes from Greek vocabulary - karpos, and means wrist. Carpal tunnel or carpal is a fibro-osseous passageway and there median nerve is pressed causing the pain for wrist, palm and arm. The tendons swell or degenerate the small canal and the movements of the wrist determinate the width and form of the carpal tunnel. Fingers and hand are liked with the wrist which is like a ribbon made by fibrous tissue with an important role - support for the joint. This tight location between ribbon and wrist made the carpal canal. Unfortunately, the specialist and doctors couldn’t find the principal causes for this affection, but till now are taken these grounds: obesity, hypothyroidism, arthritis, pregnancy or diabetes.

The Carpal Tunnel Pains are obvious often during the night because we sleep with the hand in a flexed-wrist position and the fluid is starting to accumulate in this small canal and it causes the undesirable carpal tunnel numbness. If the illness progress people decreased grip strength and they will have problems handle the small objects, as taking in their hands.

The treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome depend on the other disease and on the severity of the carpal symptoms. The treatments are divided in two parts: non-surgical treatments and surgery treatments. The first category is compound by drugs which can make ease the pain and the swelling. The then stretching and strengthening exercises are another alternative and here we can include the alternative therapies - Acupuncture and chiropractic with good benefits. The initial and the most common treatment are the ice application and immobilization the wrist with a splint. Without a clear medication result the vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) had good results to relieve some symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. The surgery treatment is to release the carpal tunnel and this procedure is made when the symptoms take more than six months. 

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